Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Editing Process

Today I started to sort out all the video footage that I have. I used my storyboards to guide me through the sequence of shots for scences 1,2 and 3. I have setup my editing work area in the Programme Adobe Premiere that I am using for all editing effects and final export.
I have managed to edit the first three scences and used the tools in the editing software.
I used colour correction and transistions to lead between one scene to another. A soft transition, fade to black worked well after experimenting with them.

The timing of the shots from cut to cut throughout the first and second scences may need adjusting later on once ive recorded the narrator track on top and add it in time over the top.
Due to my actoress letting me down for the planned schedule dates in which we were going to finish the filming left to film, it did not happen and I have to now reschedule again this week to get it down.

Thursday: 9pm-5pm
Friday: 9p-5pm

My actress understands that I can not change these dates again because It won't leave me the time I need to edit. so as planned I will contiune to edit the rest of my footage I have until arriving at these dates to finish the filming that will allow me to spend the next week and a half to edit two scences.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Problems have arised with, my solution

I started filming on the 2nd of April where I planned to film a different scene each day which would leave me with a week left over the holidays to reshot any footage that needed to be done before the assemnet on the 24th of April. Unfortuantly this plan did not work due to commitment by my main Actoress.

The Problems
A few days before filming my actoress dyed her hair bright red. Although I did not aprove of this, I had no control over it because like in the real world actors get payed, which I am not and is using her voluntarly.

I contiuend to film with the change of hair colour due to the problem that I had no one else to find in replace. But after filming for a week, making a great progress on getting Four scences out off the way, my actress decided that she wanted to change her hair colour back to normal, which left me with another problem arised to leave me with no choice but to reshot all the footage we had already done.

I thought about many ways that I could avoid having to reshot by adding a few lines in a conversation scene. The more I studied the idea of solving it, I realised that it wouldnt work because we had already filmed that scence. So I refilmied the footage we had already done and the footage left todo. Having to start again at this point was a little frustrating, but I worked with my actress throughout the week (9th-15th of April) to finish in plenty of time that would give me chance to look at all the footage.

On the 17th of April, having nearly finished all the filming my actress told me she didnt want to do it due to her falling ill. I was disapointed that I had been let down towards the end of finishing. It was hard enough in the first place to find one person to act so I did not have a back up, which left me in a bad position days before the assessment.

I though about my story and thought how I could work around the problem airsed. My actress was the main character along side my actor. So I thought that if I made my actor the main character in the story, grieving over his brother that had died, then I wouldnt have to change the story alot.

But I was lucky enough that my other friend Natalie Brendal agreed to be the replacement. I was confident enough that the two actors would still work well together as a couple to the films narrative.

 I have not shot all the raw footage I need for my video so far, but 70% of the footage has been done.

I have evaluated what is left todo and have created a plan of action which is timetable to this weeks schedule of footage to finish off. 

I will follow this timetable so that i can produce a good final piece within the time period of editing I have left.
My Self Performance
I started shooting 3weeks before the date of the 24th of April that would of gave me more than enough time to shot all the footage and any reshoots that were needed. My plan did not fall this way which has left me with not a lot of time to finish the filming and editing. But I will look at the negative in a positive and work with the time that I have got left. The end product can still be a well developed short film at the end of this product that I am confident enough to achieve.