Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Monday 27 February 2012

My Project Proposal

The object of the project is to create a short film based on contemporary culture.The short film will have a structured story narrative with the use of visual and audio elements. The story behind it is my personal experience of losing someone that I knew.

The Idea
The narrative of the film will be about a young girl who loses her boyfriend in a car accident. The film will follow how the girl grieves from a tragic lose of someone she loved in her life. The story will start of happily with the intention that no bad event will happen to two people who are in love. We will see fun, happy social events that the couple enjoy together in their everyday lives. The lead up to the turning point in which the accident happens will be when the boyfriend drops the girl off at her house and he drives away to go home. On his way he crashes (We won't see this, a audio sound of a car crashing will indicate this). The girl gets a phone call that indicates the bad accident that her boyfriend was in and that he hadn't survived. We then see the grieving process that girl takes emotionally shocked by trying to come to turns with what has happened. The girl cannot except reality that her boyfriend wont be coming back, and would do anything to see him again. The girl expresses her feelings through writing a song about her emotions. This is how the girl overcomes and excepts in time what has happened. The girl uses music to write down/sing how she feels because she feels alone and that know understands how she is hurting. The ending to the film will be a new beginning for the girl to start a new life but holding onto her memories.

The Aim
The aim of the film is for the viewers to understand the feelings and emotions that people go through when grieving and how it affects their lives in the the beginning, but then they get stronger and learn to live with it. The film will be my interpretation of how I would feel and how I would react to a tragic event of losing a loved one. Everyone has a different approach to situations. So the film narrative is important for the viewers to get, but the outcome of how they would feel and react if it happened to them is the message that I want my viewers to think about after watching it.

Problems that may arise
The project will deliver the outcome if everything goes to plan, but it realise on commitment from people. At least another three people will be need to help in the production stage, either filming or acting. Problems like, commitment, colds, flu's may arise, that will affect the timing on reaching the end deadline.
Another problem could be the weather when we are filming outside. Wet weather may ruin expensive equipment and also affect filming. This will also affect the meeting of the project deadline.
Having consent to use the locations to film may not be allowed and looking for new locations could affect the performance and storyline of the film. This will mean we would have to draw new storyboards for that in particular scene.

       Overcome the problems
  • Find people who I know are reliable, but have backup replacements.
  • Have other locations in replace available with storyboards already drawn up.

Duration time of project
Start: 21 February 2012
End: 15 May 2012

Planning  and Research
Project Plan
Books, Internet and Films/DVDs

Extra hands for recording the footage

Technical Equipment
Stills Camera(E100)
Grey Card
Two HD Cameras
Radio Mic

Adobe Premiere
Adobe AfterAffects
Adobe Photoshop

Planning and organisation
Research manager
Production/editors team

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