Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Continuty Editing

I will use these methods where relevant in my film:

Master Shot : This shot is usually used when there is a change of location so that the audience or viewer is aware where it is taking place, and what the surroundings are like out of the shot.

180 degree rule : This is usually when two people are being filmed and the filmer makes out in their mind that there is an imaginary line between the two people. The camera cannot cross that line unless panning, as if so it would become a reverse angle.

Shot reverse shot : This shot is usually used when two or more people are having a conversation. The shot focuses from behind one persons shoulder to the other face, and swaps to other side when the other person begins to talk.

Match on action : Is where you film shots to make sense for example if you, in one shot was holding a glass of water being half full, your next shot must have the same amount of water in the glass to look continual. It must look the same as it was in your last shot otherwise the filming wouldn't look realistic and would be very jumpy.

I looked at a two video that showed how to edit correctly using Continuity Editing:



Continuity editing will it is a editing technique to compress time. From looking at these two videos that use the technique Continuity, it is clear to see that this approach will make the narrative follow smoother and most importantly see the shots that are important to tell the narrative. I can see from both videos that you don't need to show every step of the story taking place, only what is relevant to see. This means that the viewer won't lose interest so that the story can keep following. I will use this method when I edit my footage for my film.

Reference: http://emma-martin-12dms.blogspot.com/2009/10/continuity-editing-definition.html

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