Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Monday 26 March 2012

Research on Pre-Production and Post Production

Pre Production

All aspects of planning for the preproduction stage that must be considered and documented before any filming.

Date you shots
Log, take notes and assemble rough scenes for each shot (Storyboard)
Schedule days to shot on. 8hrs of filming usually covers 2-4minutes of the script
Crew up all the camera members that are needed for the shots. Timetable which camera people are needed for each scene.
Roles to play as part of the crew could be, DP, Camera assistant, Sound recordist, a Production and Costume designer.
Produce the script
Shot list: Scene number, Shot number, Duration, Location, Camera Position, Lighting
Music, Sound effects
Think about the colour palette, mood and tone you want the piece to have.
Collect images that inspire you visually
Find and secure locations
Casting actors for the roles of the characters for the film
Ask your self questions as you choose what will be on the set, is it relevant to the story, what lighting are you going to use for each scene, does the mood progress, do the characters type of clothing tell you something
Costumes and props
Language and act sent

Post Production

Post-production is part of filmmaking and the video production. It is the production stage after the end of shooting and/recording the completed work

Post-production include:

Video editing all the video footage using different editing techniques
Add any special/visual effects
Sound effects or theme music and change the volume levels to importance
Change any colour corrections if needed
Title and credits

This stage takes longer than shooting the film and can take several months depending on how large the project is to complete editing, color correction and all addition of music and sound.

Research on Narrative and Lighting


Narrative is content, consisting of events, actions, time and location. The narrative is told by arrangement, emphasis/de-emphasis, and magnification/diminution, of any of the elements of the content. A narrative structure has usually got a Beginning, Middle and End.

Events are the constituents of a story, and are crucial to it. Without the different events there would be no story. An event is essentially a process, an alteration, which deals with occurrence of change. An event is an idea of change in time and is crucial in narrative. Each individual event can also be described as Major or Minor depending on the importance of its contribution to the overall narrative. An event can arise from the action of a character, natural causes or from an event before it.

The events are combined together to form the story line. A narrative has a main storyline that branches off into different events throughout the story making up the main plot of the story. The plot is defined as the sequence to the events of which a story is composed. Some events in the plot can also be defined as key moments in the narrative. A chain of events isn’t the plot but these events have significance.   


A lighting technique to use is the tree-point-system. This consists of three lights, Key light, a fill light and a Back light.

The Key light is the primary light in the scene and it simulates the natural light either outdoors or an interior light, depends on location. This light is placed 30 degrees from the camera.

The Fill light partially softness the hard shadows from the key light. It has a lower intensity with a more diffuse light than the key light. It is placed on the opposite side of the camera from the key light at a 30 degree angle from the camera –subject axis and is set to the same height as the camera. The image can become flat if the fill light is too intense.

The Back light is placed above and to the rear of the subject. This is because you don’t want the light directly onto the camera lens. The Back light outlines the subject, mostly the upper portion to separate the subject from the background.

Other lighting system:

Eyelight- a small light that can be focused to reflect the subject’s eye to give them a reflective sparkle.

Background- to illuminate the background

Kicker light- A similar light to the background light. This light is usually low behind the subject opposite the key light.

Research on Storytelling and Filming Shots


When a story is being told, it will always have an ending. The ending is usually apart of the message that the film has. A story must have a message. A message/reason for the point of the story is the message that the viewers/audience take away with them. A good story makes you listen, laugh, participate and learn from the knowledge you experience from the film you watch. It is important when telling a story to keep it interesting and moving so that the audience don’t get bored. The story must make sense by using a sequence of actions that lead of another. As viewers we reflect put the different sequence events together to build the story. A story can often be an event that has happened in real life or a dream that someone wishes was real. We all have a story to tell. We tell stories everyday but its how we change the story to the audience were telling. Storytellers share there experiences and invite the audiences to watch them.


The exact terminology varies between production environments but the basic principles are the same.
Shots are usually described in relation to a particular subject. The subject could be a person, a moving object.

These are example shots for film making:

These are guidelines of the different effects that each type of shot will show/play a part in the narrative. You can shots to help with the telling of the story. How you edit the shots together is important. They usually are edited to the continuity technique. E.g. Close Up to Mid Shot to Long Shot). Correct editing for shot to shot story telling when you follow the rules will be what the audience will expect for there eyes to follow what is going on. But these rules are only guidelines that can be broken. You can have a shot that will immediately throw the eyes of the viewers from one shot to another. An example shot like this E.g. Extreme Close up to a Long Shot would be ok to do if it was a reason of throwing the audience to a big adjustment in shot size to keep your audience alert.

Research on Discontinuity Editing

Discontinuity Editing

Discontinuity editing is used for most films these days. This editing technique is the opposite of Continuity editing. Discontinuity technique can emphasize emotion, key events, narrative in the film. When this technique is used carefully to tell stories along with Continuity editing, it can create overwhelming impacts on the viewers. An example of using this technique could be flash backs of something that has happened in the past (a man murders someone). The reason for this flash back would usually be important for the viewers to build the story in their heads.

Discontinuity shots stand apart from other cuts. They cut to something else that the viewer wouldn’t expect to be next. This draws attention to itself but it makes sense to the story later on.

The advantage of a discontinuity scene, it can condense weeks and months into a few seconds. The edits plunge the audience into many different places with quick edits. Discontinuity condenses a real time scene that may otherwise be 10mins long, but it can be retold within a few seconds with the same meaning/understanding narrative to it.

Tuesday 13 March 2012





Sea Front

The Actors Of The Film

Jamie Howell Sibley
Gavin Jones
Age: 22
Height: 6ft inch
Weight: Average
Hair: Brown short hair
Costume: Dark jeans and a blue top
               Light jeans and a red top

Charlotte Jade Henry
Nikita Thomas
Age: 21
Height: 5ft 6inch
Weight: Tubby
Hair: Long dark brown hair/straight and curly
Costume: Black Jeans and a white hoody
               Black leggings and a purple top
              Dark navy jeans and a Black shirt  
            Dark purple jacket

Charlotte Brimble
Charlotte Wykes
Height: 5ft 9inch
Weight: Average
Hair: Mid length, Dark brown with blonde highlights
Costume: Dark jeans and a blue top
               Dark jeans and a cream jacket

Title of film:
The Innocent

Everyone involved in the film and behind scenes

Exporting settings:
Export as H.264 (Mpeg4) for the web

Garage band to produce music
Adobe Premier for editing the video footage and finial video

Editing techniques:
Continuity editing
Story telling of sequence events
Frame shot of cuts from one frame to another
Colour correction
Multi volume control tracks

My main actress is reliable and can play the part to show the emotion and feelings that I want my film to have as the main character.

My main male actor is reliable and can play the loving sweet boyfriend that I want as the playing role.

These two actors are a perfect match in working well together to show a realistic couple that are in love. It was important to find two people who showed this to get the feeling of the film at its highest level of storytelling.

Making Music:
There will be three different emotional music tracks in the film. The music will be produced by me using real instruments and recording them. These will be later edited and tied in with the video

Sound list:
There are 5 main locations in the film. The location sound (environment) will be recoded to use as the buzz tracks.

The dialogue of the characters talking will be recorded at the same time as the video take. The volume of the characters talking in the scenes in which they happen will be the main track of volume.

The theme music tracks will be used to fill in the parts that don’t have any dialogue in them


Scene 1 Int. The Girls Bedroom

You wake up, and (Pause) it’s just another day. The thought of looking back at the moment it happened. That morning (pause) that changed everything.

Scene 2 Int. The Girls Bedroom and Kitchen

I woke up it was a bright morning, sunlight beaming through my window onto my face.
The sound of my alarm telling me to get up was just a normal morning.
I got out of bed to wake myself up and thought of the evening I was looking forward to.
I got changed ready to go and meet my friend
I grabbed some breakfast
Realised I forgot one thing

Scene 3 Int. The Café in the Library

Hello (Pause) alright?

Yeah im good thanks

Sorry im late

It’s fine, I know what your like Kita. Never fail to be late.

(Kita Laughs)

Have you been up to much?

Well I went to watch the new film out in the cinema War Horse

Any good? Me and the boyfriend going to watch it tonight
Yeah it’s great! Loved it (Pause) (Charlotte smiles) but id take a box of tissues, I cried the way through (Kita laughs)

Awwwwwww Bless you!

(Charlotte talks over Kita) Gavin will hold your hand

Yes (Pause) either that or laugh at me making a fool out of my self.
So how did the job interview go?

Well I arrived at the interview…Transition fade out to black

Transition fade in black…..im glad we have had a catch up

Yes me too, It had been to long

Yes well I’ll see you next week (Kita stands up)

Yes defiantly same time?

Looking forward to it

Have a nice evening anyway

Thank you, I will

See you soon

See you soon, Bye.

Scene 4 Int. Outside the Cinema

I can’t believe I just cried watching that film

I can (pause) (laughs) you just emptied a box of tissues.
Great film though, you enjoy?

Yes thank you honey really enjoyed it, even more with you by my side.

Yes, it’s been a lovely evening with you, like always. (Gavin gives her a kiss)


I love you

(Silent pause)


Arriving at the van

(She shivers) Its freezing

It’s going to be a cold one

They get in the van
Heating please!

Yes boss (winks) (Pause) Ready?

Lets go!

Scene 5 Int. Outside Charlottes house


Yes (pause) wish I didn’t have to go

Wish you didn’t either. Did I ever tell you how amazing you are/

(Smiles) Yes all the time. Your the best!

No (Pause) Your the best!

(Kita leans over and gives him a kiss)
See you tomorrow?

Of course, Night honey!


The perfect night (Pause) I was so happy, the smile on my face of happiness in my ideal life with someone who loved me the way he did suddenly changed
So quick (pause) that instant sound of horror in my ears
You think the worst and wish it wasn’t real
But god takes away the innocent
Scene 6 Int. Café and Bedroom

(Music theme 1)


I wish I knew what to say (Pause) Im so afraid I’ll say the wrong thing


(Phone Rings, Charlotte has rang Kita)

Hello (pause) how are you? Im sorry to hear about (Kita jumps in with her answer)

Its okay, Thank you

I was wondering if you felt up to coming out with me and the girls for a few drinks in memory of Gavin.

I um…..um I don’t feel up to it sorry

Come on Charlotte (Pause) you haven’t been out the house in months, a different environment will be good for you.

Ok, I’ll come for an hour

That’s good, I’ll see soon Kita


Scene 7 Int. Inside Pub and Sea Front

Inside pub

I sat there (pause) the environment filled with laughing and people smiling
I felt a lump in my throat appearing
And the more I sat there (pause) the more I felt trapped surround around the present world whilst I was in the past. 

(Music theme 2)

Sea Front

(Friend walks over)


You always say it would never happen to you (Pause) something taking away the person you needed the most

The night it happened (Pause) he told me he loved me
I never said it back to him, but I did love him (Pause) very much, so much im lost without him.

Your strong, and you’ll always miss him and think of him, but he wouldn’t want you to feel unhappy

Its been so hard these last few months to move forward and I know I got to

You will

(Kita and Charlotte hug)

When your ready you will put him at rest

Scene 8 Int. Bedroom

(Music theme 3)

I’ll never forget you