Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Monday 26 March 2012

Research on Storytelling and Filming Shots


When a story is being told, it will always have an ending. The ending is usually apart of the message that the film has. A story must have a message. A message/reason for the point of the story is the message that the viewers/audience take away with them. A good story makes you listen, laugh, participate and learn from the knowledge you experience from the film you watch. It is important when telling a story to keep it interesting and moving so that the audience don’t get bored. The story must make sense by using a sequence of actions that lead of another. As viewers we reflect put the different sequence events together to build the story. A story can often be an event that has happened in real life or a dream that someone wishes was real. We all have a story to tell. We tell stories everyday but its how we change the story to the audience were telling. Storytellers share there experiences and invite the audiences to watch them.


The exact terminology varies between production environments but the basic principles are the same.
Shots are usually described in relation to a particular subject. The subject could be a person, a moving object.

These are example shots for film making:

These are guidelines of the different effects that each type of shot will show/play a part in the narrative. You can shots to help with the telling of the story. How you edit the shots together is important. They usually are edited to the continuity technique. E.g. Close Up to Mid Shot to Long Shot). Correct editing for shot to shot story telling when you follow the rules will be what the audience will expect for there eyes to follow what is going on. But these rules are only guidelines that can be broken. You can have a shot that will immediately throw the eyes of the viewers from one shot to another. An example shot like this E.g. Extreme Close up to a Long Shot would be ok to do if it was a reason of throwing the audience to a big adjustment in shot size to keep your audience alert.

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