Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Monday 26 March 2012

Research on Pre-Production and Post Production

Pre Production

All aspects of planning for the preproduction stage that must be considered and documented before any filming.

Date you shots
Log, take notes and assemble rough scenes for each shot (Storyboard)
Schedule days to shot on. 8hrs of filming usually covers 2-4minutes of the script
Crew up all the camera members that are needed for the shots. Timetable which camera people are needed for each scene.
Roles to play as part of the crew could be, DP, Camera assistant, Sound recordist, a Production and Costume designer.
Produce the script
Shot list: Scene number, Shot number, Duration, Location, Camera Position, Lighting
Music, Sound effects
Think about the colour palette, mood and tone you want the piece to have.
Collect images that inspire you visually
Find and secure locations
Casting actors for the roles of the characters for the film
Ask your self questions as you choose what will be on the set, is it relevant to the story, what lighting are you going to use for each scene, does the mood progress, do the characters type of clothing tell you something
Costumes and props
Language and act sent

Post Production

Post-production is part of filmmaking and the video production. It is the production stage after the end of shooting and/recording the completed work

Post-production include:

Video editing all the video footage using different editing techniques
Add any special/visual effects
Sound effects or theme music and change the volume levels to importance
Change any colour corrections if needed
Title and credits

This stage takes longer than shooting the film and can take several months depending on how large the project is to complete editing, color correction and all addition of music and sound.

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