Welcome Vister

A Blog on the Planning,Development and Result of the creation for my Personal Short Story of my life. If you have something personal that you would like to tell to share with the world, then a project like this is perfect. Enjoy!

Monday 14 May 2012

My evaluation and self peformance of the project

This project gave me the opertunity to produce a short film to show the different ways that people grieve when they have lost a loved one. I used my past experince of losing someone to the story in the film, to create a meaningful film that was created by someones on real life story. The story of how and the actors in it were changed to my real life story beacause I didnt want to produce a short film that would be personal to me in which I would feel uncomfortable and upsetting to share.

I think the only thing that I didnt peform well in was keeping my blog up to date, but this is a weak area that I will work on for furture projects and expesically for my third year project where it is crucial to keep a day to day blog updates. Looking at the final outcome, it has small mistakes that could be easliy filmed again to fix them for future development.

Looking at my achievement, I have produced my first short film that tells the story and shapes a narrative form of structure in it. My strong points of the project was the achievement of getting the meaning of the story across from my good control of the camera and angles. I also think that a strong point was the way I edited the film. There are small errors that could be fixed for future work like some shots that are near windows to improve the lighting of the shots. I could also re-evaluate the pace of the film in the beginning. The film showed emotion and feelings through music and a few shots that delivered the idea of lonelyness, but I could think of stronger ideas that I could do with camera work like more close ups and interesting view angles. I think that I could improve the film by adding more short scenes that shows more of the background relationship between the characters physically rather than to much content that the beginning had.

Overall I have produced the film with the outcomes intended, with room for improvements and learning mistakes that I can put right for future projects.

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